Monday, December 3, 2018

Hair Transplants Hair Implants

Hair implants compared to prices in Pakistan with the best technique (fue). Baldness and hair loss (also called alopecia) is no longer a fatality. Hair loss can be effectively treated by hair implantation on the part where regrowth of the hair is needed. The micro hair transplant (also called hair implants, hair transplant or hair transplant or even hair surgery) is an excellent solution to hair loss. 

It is practiced under local anesthesia. The implanted hair will not fall afterwards because it is taken from the area of ​​the crown (the hair that remains, even in cases of complete baldness) that are genetically coded differently from others. They never fall. 

Below are some examples of results after a hair implant placement using the Best FUE Cost In Pakistan method (see the definition of this method later in this page). If the final results of hair transplants are obtained after 12 months, the first results are visible well before  see the article hair transplant after how many months the result is visible. 

Hair Transplant Fue Or Fut?
There are 2 very different methods that do not give the same results. It is very important to learn before the procedure on the method that will be used. We only recommend the fue method and not the fut. 

Follicular Unit Extraction (Fue) Method:
Individual and miniaturized extraction of follicles containing 1 to 3 hairs from your own scalp (eg in the crown at the back of the head) leaving no scar. 3000 grafts can thus give up to 9000 hairs these follicles are reimplanted individually on the area where regrowth of hair is desired. This method is the most recent and gives the best results with many advantages: absence of scar, simpler postoperative follow-up, near-absence of bleeding. 

Only a very experienced surgeon, often practicing this procedure and surrounded by an expert team in this field will be able to use this method. Some surgeons who do not care about the priority of the patient's interest perceive it as unprofitable and only use the fut method (see below) which is faster but less aesthetic and riskier. Examples of results after hair implant placement shown above are all by fue.